
I Am Within... #77

As I speak softly, hearing clearly as my state of mind takes control of the heart's wave, My wisdom becomes Instant Vintage to be preserved like an antique of Significant Registry,
Piecing together tangent thoughts in the lime of the Blue Horizon, the Serene Sanguined of ocean waves as they massage the sand into Seamless Quintessence, chipper whispers of the back hind melody,
Silence is among the serenading winds, cool and breathless as thy breathe is taken away from my lungs, I lay motionless in Tranquility, worries of today's past, yesterday's present, tomorrow's future nor meaningless gestures corrupting thy mood's symphony,
I am becoming One with Thyself, I am becoming Whole in my Significance, I am becoming Strong in thy Faith, I am becoming Pure in my Understanding, I am becoming Unique in thy Existence, I am becoming of the 2ND Coming,
~MoMeNTaRy CHiLl

Easy Peace~