
Help Save Troy Davis | NAACP

This is another classic case of our failed justice system. An execution is set to take place on September 21 in the state of Georgia. Troy Davis has not been given a fair trial as new evidence has been presented showing that Davis was not the perpetrator of this crime. Please Sign the petition to potentially help save a life from murder that does not need to happen. 
Click Here!



The Daydreamer Creative

Check Owt The Daydreamer Creative for some positive vibes! 

This breath of fresh air is bringing creatyve expression back to the world of arts. From abstract to oil paintings and the likes, The TDCLife sponsors a progressive thought process and the NOUVEAUXORIGYNAL perception that reflects what we believe a Signature Yndivydual should be.


'via Blog this'


HAARP hit Japan...Maybe even the EAST COAST!

A massive 5.8 Earthquake just struck the East Coast and upper parts of the southern United States. The effects have been reported to have been felt across 8 states with power outages and such being part of the end result.

Question: How is this possible?

Answer: GOD controls all things including what he will allow man to devastate in order to try and WAKE-UP the unconscious minds and show signs of his return is near to his Very Elect. This includes what the United States has been hiding in Alaska for sometime now call HAARP.

Watch this video if you FEAR GOD. Don't watch if you do anything but FEAR GOD. He doesn't want you to see this!


TheForerunner777's Channel - YouTube


Self Re-Evaluation is the Cure for a Judgmental Society

Living in a judgmental society can be an eye-opener and a door-closer for many. As hard as it may seem, many individuals come from a background where the practice of constructive criticism is well...NOT PRACTICED! Growing up either with a "silver spoon in your mouth" and, more so the opposite, with a background built of "unfortunate circumstances" can play a major part in one's ability to adjust and comprehend and manifest itself as a major burden now and later in life.


Johnny Depp rallies for freedom of Convicted Satanic Worshippers

Checkowt  this story at the link below. Owt of all the stories involving malicious and heinous details that have come owt in the past couple months, why does Johnny Depp choose to rally for the dismissal of this particular  "Open and Shut and then RE-OPENED" Case?
1st things 1st, what would give cause for anyone to reopen a case of this nature that happened almost 2 decades ago that was proven and closed? Secondly, why is a multi-million dollar actor backing the efforts of this case to be wiped clean. And lastly, WHEN ARE WE GOING TO WAKE-UP AND SEE THAT THE FAR-FETCHED IN THEORY IS NOT SO FAR-FETCHED FROM REALITY?
OPEN YOUR EYES PEOPLE! Stop letting these "coincidences" and "signs" from GOD walk right up to us and say "Hi, I'm REAL" and we say nothing and not feel some type of way! USE YOUR BRAINS!
Mystery hearing set for 'West Memphis Three' - CNN.com

Song of the Day: Hil St Soul - For The Love Of You

Song of the Day: 08/18/11
Hil St. Soul- For The Love Of You
This smooth piece of soul captures what I call the "Duality of Love."
Pause the player on the side of the page to take a listen!

Powered by mp3skull.com

Lauryn Hill BREAKS SILENCE!!!!! Exposing the Industry

To the inexperienced ear, one would think that the Soulstress, Lauryn Hill, was talking about a man but if you listen closely you see that she is pleading with us to hear what she is battling with in the industry. THAT'S RIGHT!!!!! The MUSIC INDUSTRY!
Lauryn Hill is NOT "Crazy" or "Gone Mad" from drug usage and other agents that the media would want us to believe. Contrary to popular belief the industry is not all what we think. I know through 1st hand experience which is one reason why my singing and artist managing aspirations are no longer a focus in my life. Some may say this is all conspiracy talking and to those of you who do I ask this question...
When is the last time that you were allowed to follow your dreams and passions without having to alter, or give up, or sacrifice or SELL OUT at least some of your own personal morals and beliefs? Think about that while you watch this very informative performance about why we all are subject to the hidden messages and programming that is manifesting and manipulating the minds of our youth and subconsciously ourselves.

p.s. I'll save my Jay-Z, Lil Wayne, Nicki Minaj and Beyonce bashing for another time. I do want you all to watch and I know the moment someone starts talking about "Cousin Nicki" and "Father Hova" it gets personal. (Do you know them? Like Personally? Like got there BB Pin # know them?)


The Illuminati Card Game - 1995

For those of you who understand and others who are skeptical...
Don't let what you can't believe, be what you won't believe if it were TRUE. Remember "Anything that seems far-fetched more than likely is just as that Droid or iPhone you have in your hand."
Ask yourself 1 question...
If the world were to loose all its freedoms, how would you feel? Isn't it worth exploring?
Ask Egypt, Libya, Syria and Iran "who got next!"

Social Media Marketing By the Numbers [INFOGRAPHIC]

Social Media drives big business. What about the little known entrepreneur???
Social Media Marketing By the Numbers [INFOGRAPHIC]


Slain officer’s final act of kindness

The Good Guys always get overlooked unless we die doing what we all should be doing in the 1st place. Preparation for what I call the "Life we are Living to Die for!" ~ALLLove

msnbc video: Slain officer’s final act of kindness