
"Reaction" Check Part 2: How Not to React to a Gentleman's Courtesy

I gave you how a woman should react to the common courtesy of a true gentleman. Now this is the "how not to react" portion.

"Reaction" Check Part 1: How to React to a Gentleman's Courtesy

Ladies, now before you go giving a brother the 'red light service', make sure you have reacted accordingly to the situation and the type of male you have encountered...

Kanye West - Amazing

Kanye West - Amazing
Video sent by UniversalMusicGroup

Kanye West - Amazing
Hip Hop - (C) 2009 Roc-A-Fella Records, LLC
Roc-a-Fella Records


Does Marriage still hold its PURPOSE in today's society?

To have and to hold…
to love and to cherish…
for richer or for poorer...
for better or for worse…

through sickest and in health…

These are just a few of the basic lines spoken in the ever sanctified measure of love for another…