
I Am Within... #77

As I speak softly, hearing clearly as my state of mind takes control of the heart's wave, My wisdom becomes Instant Vintage to be preserved like an antique of Significant Registry,
Piecing together tangent thoughts in the lime of the Blue Horizon, the Serene Sanguined of ocean waves as they massage the sand into Seamless Quintessence, chipper whispers of the back hind melody,
Silence is among the serenading winds, cool and breathless as thy breathe is taken away from my lungs, I lay motionless in Tranquility, worries of today's past, yesterday's present, tomorrow's future nor meaningless gestures corrupting thy mood's symphony,
I am becoming One with Thyself, I am becoming Whole in my Significance, I am becoming Strong in thy Faith, I am becoming Pure in my Understanding, I am becoming Unique in thy Existence, I am becoming of the 2ND Coming,
~MoMeNTaRy CHiLl

Easy Peace~


Divorce is NOT an Option...It's a Choice

We need to stop looking at Divorce as an option or alternative to fixing problems that we are

1. Too Lazy to work at and fix
2. Too Ignorant to attempt compromise
3. Too Selfish to expense a little time from our “busy schedules” to communicate about

4. Too Narrow-minded to seek other alternatives
5. Too Prideful to admit wrongful negligence

Marriage is no longer sacred. We throw this ceremony of infinite union around like we throw our bibles in the trunk of our cars after church. Marriage should not be viewed as a “Big Relationship” but as the conjunction of 2 individuals who have come to terms with each other’s faults, as well as their own and possess the willingness, patience and compassion to Empower the other when no one else can.

Divorce is NEVER an Option but a CHOICE! It only sounds realistic to the many individuals who never truly have understood what the vows mean when you share your soul with that of another.

"It’s not about sharing your body, but your soul."

Only one individual should ever have access to that and I challenge all to find that individual. You won’t find it in your bed lying next to you, or at your place of employment in the cubicle across from yours, or in the club grinding in front of you with a drink in their hand. You don’t find that soul until you begin to look deeper into an individual’s embodiment and past the temptations, past the surface art, and past the beneficial advantages that may be revealed at seconds glance.

Marriage now has become too much of a legal hassle and it’s true substantial foundation has been marred and altered to fit anyone who is willing to waste their time and money to pull it off. It’s all about the 3 carat engagement rings, the elaborate venues, the overly embellished wedding attire, the traditional uses of certain verbal exchanges, and the electric slide at the end of the wedding party. Basically, people get married these days;


It’s because it’s the popular thing to do. Many don’t realize the sanctity that this ceremony is built upon, and sadly, so many more never will.

Easy Peace~


The Color Mocha: #55

Seen as 1 in a million, Known as 1 of a kind,
Sexual in appearance yet, Intellectual at mind,
Faithful in her projects, Money’s no object,
For what any man would give for a problem with her just to solve it,

High maintenance implied at 1st glance,
Divine as the vines of sweet wines intertwined to form that special kind,

No dollars can box her up in retail,
Use and misuse, abuse then put her up for resale,
If she was a story, they’d be like re-tell,
Start at the part of her smiley face and re-sail,

A thousand ships because she’s worth it all,
From the giving at December to the leaves at fall,
From the birds that sing at the beginning of spring,
To the summer showers that shower summer thru the heat it brings,

To think anything less than perfect about Monica in itself is a sin,
Hey she’s the main reason why females of dark skin is in,

Style Undeniable, she drives the locals’ muĂ­ loca,
So sweet I had to give her the color Mocha...


Comeback Man of the Year: Debonair Gentleman for a Lifetime Part 2

"So how do we achieve gentleman status and reinstall the faith and patience that woman has lost for man?"

Self-Respect- Have enough respect for yourself to place effort into your inner appearance. Before you can walk as a gentleman, you must first act as one. The amount of “Healthy Confidence” one has in himself will almost always culminate out through his pores and will be seen as his first impression. The male species must learn how to tame his ego and prideful views of himself. Once a man knows who he is on the inside and can re-evaluate his misguidance, he can then reassess his patterns.

Outer Appearance- What can’t always
be seen on the inside can often be misrepresented on the outside. Appearance is everything in this day and age no matter what anyone tells you. It can make or break a job interview, a preconceived notion, a stereotype, the respect of others, and the interactions of male and females alike. In this day of age, one must learn to adapt, develop, and then ultimately reinvent. A Gentleman knows there are a time to dress down and a time to dress up. Most definitively, however, a Gentleman knows the importance of being neatly groomed.

Respect for Others- Man has to learn to respect the woman. Once he has respect for self, then respect for the opposite sex should become second nature. Once woman begins to see that respect from man, she in turn can show respect to him but this does not come without respect for her own self-purpose of life. For my Single men, easy ways of displaying this indirect object of affection are opening and closing doors for the female species, proper speech and grammar with an emphasis on the minimization of curse words and defiling dialogue, and not putting your hands anywhere the female species doesn’t approve.
For my men in the
Dating game,
try holding your woman’s hand, buying relevant and unexpected little gifts to display an object of consciousness in her involvement in your life, planning for romantic nights to not specifically have
but just to spend time, and dressing up on occasions not necessarily requiring a specific wardrobe. Just as our women-folk take time to match their undergarments, get their hair and nails done, and even go thru the uncomfortable act of throwing on some high-heels, we men should allow ourselves the pleasure of stepping out in some nice, clean and sophisticated threads sometimes if not more often than that.

And for my Married men who have truly found their soul-mates and that one woman in which they have a deep affinity for, don’t let the respect disintegrate just because you are
“Officially Bonded” as so many tend to do. Be willing to try different things with your spouse. Maintain that “Bonnie and Clyde” mentality for one another when in public. You may argue but in public and around friends or strangers alike, you are

“1 of 2 Equal and Interchangeable Parts.”

Let no man or woman, family or friend, enemy or stranger come between your respects for the other’s significance.

One very necessary re-invention needed regardless of married, dating, or single is the way we compliment and approach our women. A meaningful and thought provoking compliment can go a lot farther than “Hey yo ma, you sexy!” or “Damn girl, you thick as hell!” (How thick is hell anyway? LOL let me stop) If these overly saturated, mainstream uses of slang to seduce and pounce are working then 9 times out of 10 she may have some form of esteem issues or may just be an ‘Attention-Whore’. Honestly, think about how many women you call sexy on a daily…no scratch that…hourly basis. Uses of such lines are neither exclusive nor original. Try a different approach. A more personable and engaging alternative like “Miss, you look gorgeous in that outfit!” or “Something about you is intriguing to me!” or even “You are a very attractive and stimulating individual!”
will get you a lot farther than one would expect. This type of intellect not only secludes you from an already overly-indulged class of failed experiences (based on the woman’s past) but also catapults you to a high level of dignity within the female perception. At the very least, she will receive you as different from the others.

One piece of wisdom that I think all men should live by is

“All women love to be treated like queens…even witches!”

With that said, don’t allow the ignorance of 1 woman not able to perceive your intelligent and responsible gestures to control how you control another…more importantly, yourself.

The most important assessment that can be made from these few of many examples to molding oneself into a Gentleman and a more
‘Signature Individual’
is that this is neither an act nor a feeling; rather this is a lifestyle in which all dignitaries should feel obligated to embody. To my striving brothers and excelling Gentlemen…

Easy Peace~


Comeback Woman of the Year: Miss Femininity Reformed and Timeless

"To my women who understand the importance of respect for self first, I offer you the opportunity to engage in
dialogue to the reaffirmation of the esteem lacking female individuals in this misappropriated world. Miss Femininity, you are that true ‘wifey’ that every self-respecting and
masculinized gentleman should be motivating towards."

Ladies, just as your male counterparts have been leading some misguided lifestyles, you too have some developing and SELF-REEVALUATING to perform to become that priceless arm-piece that any man would be blessed to drift with. Not that I necessarily agree with the way R. Kelly went about describing his female companion in his mid-late 90’s hit single “You Remind Me” but in a sense, I can relate to his initial thought process on evaluation of what he believed to be a great institution and well, INVESTMENT.

The truth is that every man wants a woman who he can place in a category above any other female he may have encountered in his life's time. Often times, however, the man seeks those attributes to segregate in the physical aspects of a woman’s body ALONE!

So you use what you got to get what you want RIGHT?


Ultimately, the temporary satisfactions that may be received through this selfish way of thinking, in the end, are not worth marring your name or compromising your reputation regardless of its existence. A woman’s attributes acquired over time are undoubtedly TIMELESS and shall follow her wherever she may travel. Sure everyone can change but why place yourself in a situation where you have to make such extreme transformations? No woman should ever allow themselves to carry the titles of “Being Easy” or “Whore/Hoe” or even refer to themselves or each other as a “B!tch.”

A wise group of individuals over my lifetime have always expressed to me that

“If you want someone to Respect you, you must 1st show Respect for yourself. Only then will you gain the Respect of others and what you thought didn’t matter before, in all actuality, matters to you now more than you ever could've realize.”

So how does a woman achieve that illustrious title Miss Femininity?

Stay tuned ladies AND gentlemen for an insider’s perspective on the criteria in which not only classifies you as Miss Femininity but what truly characterizes you as a 100% REAL WOMAN!

Easy Peace~


Comeback Man of the Year: Debonair Gentleman for a Lifetime

"To all my Gentlemen out there, continue to maintain your conscious mind-state and way of thinking as you are the definition of individuality and hope for a misleading and temptation filled world based these days solely on financial status, physical stature, and malicious acts of ignorance. Your repose, your swagger, your respectability, and your educated wisdom is what the youths of generations to come need as a template for positive activism through debonair gestures of what a real man is molded to resemble."

Men, we need to get back to what made us the catalyst to the things most appreciated in life within the female society. Truth is that men don’t know how to be gentlemen anymore. We know not what it takes, what it consists of, and more ignorantly, what it means to be a gentleman. This term should not just be of concern for those living a married lifestyle or those who hold the status of dating, but of all male individuals regardless of being in a stable relationship or living single. The term gentleman does not coin one preference or another but should be a holistic representation of the male species.

We men have gotten away from opening and closing doors for our female constituents, pulling out chairs, dressing for the occasion, and treating our women like the queens they were placed here to embody. No wonder our female counterparts are in such a confused state that they not only confuse themselves but us as well. I’m not saying the lack and loss of masculine behavior is the sole responsible factor for the women’s INDEPENDENT movement, however, it does play a major role in the differences of opinions each party has.

Just as the world was created with the male species as the first inhabitants, the fixture of many problems starts with us as well. We are truly

“…the masters of our fates, the captains of our souls…”

So how do we achieve gentleman status and reinstall the faith and patience that woman has lost for man?

In part 2 of Comeback Man of the Year: Debonair Gentleman for a Lifetime, I will display some well-known and previously practiced respects of the cultivation between man and woman. Before that, however, I will speak to the Comeback Woman of the Year… Miss Femininity!

Easy Peace~


Excuses are Tools of the Weak...

True Thoughts: “We are our own worst enemy; for we neither know how to be honest with ourselves first and foremost or offensive within ourselves, nor do we understand when to be
defensive of ourselves.”

This is geared specifically at the males out there who have yet to take responsibility for their actions involving the “seeds of your loins.”

The male population has continued its ignorant, insensitive and failed repetitious justifications for not standing up as men and taking care of our hopeless generations to come.

Activist against Bitchassness

Funny as this may seem, this is a true disease running rampant in our society. Is there no cure for this strain of insanity?


"Reaction" Check Part 2: How Not to React to a Gentleman's Courtesy

I gave you how a woman should react to the common courtesy of a true gentleman. Now this is the "how not to react" portion.

"Reaction" Check Part 1: How to React to a Gentleman's Courtesy

Ladies, now before you go giving a brother the 'red light service', make sure you have reacted accordingly to the situation and the type of male you have encountered...

Kanye West - Amazing

Kanye West - Amazing
Video sent by UniversalMusicGroup

Kanye West - Amazing
Hip Hop - (C) 2009 Roc-A-Fella Records, LLC
Roc-a-Fella Records


Does Marriage still hold its PURPOSE in today's society?

To have and to hold…
to love and to cherish…
for richer or for poorer...
for better or for worse…

through sickest and in health…

These are just a few of the basic lines spoken in the ever sanctified measure of love for another…